About Us

For as long as I can remember, I have been trying to find my passion and my calling, until I decided to stop looking and create it. I gathered my thoughts and mixed all of the things I love the most - children, joy, quality family time, and pride. 

After working in the childcare industry for over 10 years and getting the amazing opportunity to see little ones learn, grow, explore, and become their own little selves, I knew in my heart whatever it was that I was meant to do had to be child related. I couldn’t picture myself doing anything that didn’t revolve around the magic and joy that they bring into this world. 

One of the things that love the most about kids is their infinite thirst for knowledge and their endless ability to learn while absorbing everything that surrounds them. Studies show that by 2050 1 out of every 3 people in the US will be fluent in Spanish, making it the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world, and sure, 2050 seems like a long way from now, but the reality is we are raising tomorrow’s adults today and we should take advantage of their brain plasticity by starting them in the journey of speaking Spanish and helping them reach their full potential.

Immigrating to this country has been the wildest and biggest adventure of my life and has taught me countless lessons, but if there’s one that fills me with pride is how much I’ve learned to value and respect being Latina and having Spanish as my native language. There’s a quote in Spanish that goes “Lo bueno se comparte”, which translates into “ Good things are meant to be shared”, and that is basically what I’m doing here, sharing my language and culture with you and your little one while also sharing what I truly enjoy, love and treasure the most: quality family time. 

VIDA which literally translates into “LIFE”, not only is my passion but has also become my mission in life.  I hope every time a Play-kit arrives at your door you and your little one get excited about learning and playing but mostly about having fun and bonding together while creating memories that will last a lifetime, or should we say “de por VIDA”

Thank you for being here, 

Con mucho amor, Gabby.